November 15th is the 319th day of the year. There are 46 days remaining until the end of the year

There are 40 days remaining until Christmas

There are 81 days remaining until the Superbowl (Feb 4th in Minneapolis)

Today is America Recycles Day, American Enterprise Day, Little Red Wagon Day, National Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day, National Educational Support Professionals Day, National Raisin Bran Cereal Day and Pack Your Mom’s Lunch Day

Weight Watchers has released a new diet wine in time for the holidays. The wine is called Cense and has 85 calories per glass compared to regular white wine, which has 120 calories.

Stove Top Stuffing is selling stretch pants for Thanksgiving. The maroon pants feature the Stove Top logo and an elastic waistband. They sell for $19.98. The pants are only available until November 13th.** UPDATE **Stove Top Stuffing sold out of their pants in one day

70% of people will shop on Black Friday and/or Cyber Monday. 49% of people plan to shop on Thanksgiving.

The Wonder Woman Battle-Action Sword and the Spider-Man Official Movie Spider-Drone are among the 10 Worst Toys of 2017, an annual list from a nonprofit called World Against Toys Causing Harm, or WATCH. The worst toy on the list: Itty bittys baby plush stacking toy by Hallmark.

Which one of your relatives is most likely to get DRUNK at Thanksgiving?  According to a new survey, the top candidates are your uncle . . . one of your cousins . . . your brother . . . your dad . . . and YOU. Grandma is last on the list at 2%.

We spend an average of 77 MINUTES every day watching YouTube videos or TV shows when we’re at work, according to a new survey.  And based on the average salary, that means you’re getting paid $8,800-a-year to watch TV.


Who should get the ARMRESTS on a flight?  According to a new survey, only 42% of people say the person in the middle seat deserves both.  Everyone else thinks you’re all entitled to one armrest, and then the leftover one should go to whoever asks for it.

The FDA approved the first “digital pill” . . . it has sensors inside that will let doctors know exactly when you took it.

Hammacher Schlemmer is offering two new Christmas trees this year. The first tree is controlled by a remote and can grow from seven feet to almost ten with the press of a button. The second tree has a voice controlled remote that allows the user to change its colors and lighting effects with verbal commands.

A couple in Maryland with three sons is now about to have three daughters . . . all at once.  They have a boy who’s six, and then two-year-old identical twins, and now the wife is pregnant with triplets. Their names are Nia and Robert Tolbert.  Robert says he actually fainted when he found out.  But Nia says she loves everything about being a mom.


Indulgent grandparents may be having an adverse impact on their grandchildren’s health. The study (University of Glasgow) suggests grandparents are often inclined to treat and overfeed children. In terms of both diet and weight, the report concluded that grandparents’ behavior had an adverse effect — they are inclined to feed grandchildren high-sugar or high-fat foods. The study revealed that parents felt unable to interfere because they were reliant on grandparents helping them out.

Taraji P Henson is going to star in the remake of Mel Gibson’s 2000 movie ”What Women Want.” Producers are flipping genders and calling the film ”What Men Want.” Mel’s movie made $400 million on a budget of $70 million.

Microsoft is selling a limited edition gold Xbox Christmas tree ornament for $5,000. The ornament looks like a mini Xbox.

Jimmy Fallon is going to host a special episode of The Tonight Show following the Super Bowl. The show will originate from Minneapolis where the Big Game is taking place.